Finance committee approves relocating board meetings to City Hall

Last night the Knox County Finance Committee heard a presentation from County Clerk Scott Erickson regarding the moving of county board meetings to Galesburg City Council chambers at City Hall.
Erickson explained that using the courthouse has limitations – such as some of the board members not being able to face the public – as a chief reason for looking into a more permanent change.

He said that if the Galesburg City Council chambers could work for an interim change, or even a permanent one if the board liked the location.

“So we’ve talked with the city people, they are willing to allow us to use the city council chambers for our county board meetings and the Erickson Conference Room for closed sessions,” Erickson says. “They’ll be no cost to the county whatsoever as long as we don’t do the live video streaming or production on Channel 7.”

The change in venue would provide more access to the public, and give them a better forum to record meetings for more accurate record taking.

The committee approved the motion and will go before the full board next week.

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