Knoxville mother-daughter duo experience ‘a part of history’ at Game 7

A story board from Hollywood would have come close to the way last night’s Game 7 of the World Series in Cleveland played out and a mother-daughter duo from Knoxville found themselves amid the script.

Mary and Cara Adolphson had sixth row seats behind the Chicago Cubs’ dugout. The self-proclaimed “die-hard” Cubs fans were lucky enough to get tickets to games six and seven. They even saw the team win their first pennant since 1945, last week in Chicago.

Mary spoke with WGIL this morning after the two drove through the night back to Illinois. She was still in a slight state of sleep deprived shock over what she witnessed. 

“My daughter and I, we talked about that all the way home this morning,” Mary said. “We just cannot believe that we were a part of history — of something so spectacular, not only for the Cubs but for the city of Chicago.” 

And about that Hollywood script, Mary even got a picture with actor John Cusack.

“He walked right past us,” Mary says. “So, I just kind of waited and then when he turned back around and was walking back towards me and so I asked if I could take a picture. He said, ‘absolutely.'”

Adolphson adds that she was very excited for the team and to be a part of their experience.

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