County Board appoints interim Nursing Home administrator

The Knox County Board appointed an interim administrator for the Nursing Home at Wednesday night’s meeting. 

Donna Motz was approved by the full vote after filling in since the county and former administrator Rachel Secrist parted ways earlier in the year.

Board Chairwoman Pamela Davidson said that Motz had her administration license and previously had filled in when needed.

The board also approved a pair of items related to the nursing home. The first being the ticket meal cost for employees and guests at the nursing home.

The other item that was approved was the Semi-Private room daily rate from $145 to $148.

Outside of the nursing home items, the county board approved a new food safety ordinance from the Health Department, which puts them in compliance with the state and the federal government.

The Election Judge pay was increased to $150 for certified judges and $110 for non-certified.

And the construction of a communications tower at the Knox County Landfill to the tune of $14,699.36 and take over a month for the concrete to be poured and tower assembled

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