Tracy introduces amendment for Lobbyist Registration Act

Thousands of new bills have been introduced into the 101st Illinois General Assembly since the start of the legislative session.

47th District Senator Jil Tracy of Quincy introduced a bill on Tuesday that would amend the Lobbyist Registration Act, prohibiting lobbyists from making expenditures from a candidate political committee established in their name.

Tracy says that while she’s never heard of a lobbyist using a campaign fund for political donations, this would act as a precaution.

“We found out that there weren’t any regulations about that, so I thought it would be a good reform and a good government bill to just specify that,” Tracy said. “If someone has had access and does have access to a political campaign account that, if they become a lobbyist, they cannot contribute during their time serving as a lobbyist or for a short period after that.”

The bill, as it currently exists, would prohibit a lobbyist from using a campaign fund in their name for the duration they are registered as a lobbyist, and for an additional two years after it’s expiration.

Tracy says she has no data to support the claim that a lobbyist has used a political campaign account, but she hopes that her fellow legislators see this as a “good government” bill.

The bill now resides in the Assignments Committee.

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