County board to consider appointment of special prosecutor, new appointments for embattled fire district

A special prosecutor could be appointed by the Knox County Board at Wednesday night’s meeting.

State’s Attorney John Pepmeyer has been lobbying for an additional assistant for his department for several months, and with the court mandate to appoint a special prosecutor to help deal with an influx in felonies last year, that appointment could come tonight.

Pepmeyer and ASA Sabrina Stroops have gone before the finance committee several times in the last few months pushing for the hiring of another prosecutor.

They argue that with the resignation of Tyson Parks, the county’s compliance officer, their department has been swamped with work beyond what their attorneys can handle.

The county’s concerns lie in where the money to pay for an additional prosecutor will come from.

The special prosecutor will be an area attorney who will charge the county an hourly rate for work.

The board could also be appointing some new members to the Oneida-Wataga Fire Protection District.

There has been a lot of controversy around the district since the news came out last fall that the Altona-Oneida-Wataga Ambulance Service was being dissolved.

Last month, members of the rural communities serviced by the EMT service presented board members with a petition to remove and replace three members of the fire protection district.

Board documents do not include paperwork that includes names of individuals who are to be considered by the board.

It is also unclear if these appointments are to replace current members, or if members from the petition resigned since the last board meeting and these appointments are to fill the vacancies.

Board members meet at the Galesburg City Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.

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