Drug take-back event held later this week

There’s another opportunity coming up soon to here in Galesburg to safely get rid of any unused prescription medications. With the opioid crisis that’s currently making its way across the nation, Galesburg hasn’t been hit as hard as other communities – that’s according to Prevention Specialist at Bridgeway Jovani Wallace. She says nevertheless, preventing the spread into Galesburg is still important. “We’d like to make sure that none of that comes to Galesburg,” she said. “One way to do that is to just give (the) Galesburg (community) the opportunity because even the little things: as far as dropping off your prescriptions, hardly anyone realizes that information – the safe way to do it…We don’t flush it down the toilet anymore. We don’t throw it in our trash and it ends up in the landfill. We have pharmaceutical companies that come out an collect those things and dispose of them correctly.” The drug take-back event is being held Saturday, April 27th at both HyVee locations in Galesburg. Residents are encouraged to drop off their unused, unwanted, or expired prescription medications between 9:00 am and noon. Those that bring prescriptions to dispose can enter to win a $25 gift card from HyVee.

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