Monmouth Fire now has oxygen kits for pets

The Monmouth Fire Department recently received a donation of specialized oxygen equipment for pets. The kits are part of Invisible Fence’s Project Breathe program. They were donated by Phil Vroman from Invisible Fence of The Quad Cities. On account of the shape of a dog or cat’s snout, it can be problematic to deliver oxygen rapidly after the pets have been removed from the incident. The new, pet-specific masks can fit around the animal’s snout and create a tight seal that allows the correct amount of oxygen to be delivered. Fire Chief Casey Rexroat said, “These kits are a welcome addition to our toolbox….. there have been times in the past when we have had to adapt..kits designed for humans to work with” pets. The kits will be stored in all first response vehicles.




Photo Credit: City of Monmouth, IL

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